Ipsen works with patients, their families, and more than 250 patient organizations around the world at a global, regional, and national level. Our key priorities are generating data and sharing experiences. We want to guarantee that patients are truly given a seat at the table when it comes to their care and the developments that Ipsen is making. We believe this kind of close collaboration and inclusion is essential to ensure we chart the right course. Our goal is to understand and respond to patients’ needs, helping them and their caregivers at different points throughout their experiences. At Ipsen, we believe in working together with patients, for patients.
Patients drive our science in Oncology, Neuroscience and Rare Disease. Being in touch with what matters to patients and their families helps us understand their needs and work together to bring meaningful improvements to their lives.
We are committed to ensuring that people living with health conditions are heard, integrating their ideas into our transformative care methods and services. We all have a part to play in this.
It all starts with listening. At Ipsen, we enter into dialogue with the patient community as early as possible when developing new medicines. Our focus is on long-term strategic engagement and partnerships with patient organizations.
Making a difference
Ipsen is committed to working closely and inclusively with the patient community to impact medical care and patient outcomes in our focus fields of Oncology, Rare Disease and Neuroscience.
Making clinical trials accessible and understandable
We are committed to ensuring that all our published research is freely available to everyone. To make this happen, we work closely with the patient community to provide summaries of key clinical studies sponsored by Ipsen in easy-to-understand language, so they are not just available, but accessible to all.
Learn moreIpsen Clinical Trials
Ipsen conducts first-in-the-world clinical trials to take science forward together. Our global network of healthcare professionals helps us test new treatments and ensure their efficacy and safety by conducting clinical trials. Our aim is to create new therapies and improve upon existing ones to improve patients’ lives and health outcomes.
Learn moreOur approach to responsibility
Ipsen unites all our employees behind our global commitment to doing business responsibly through Generation Ipsen – For Positive Change. This fully integrated approach is built on four pillars: Environment, Patients, People and Governance. Generation Ipsen is designed to ensure we meet patients’ needs while working in ways that are ethical, responsible and community-minded.
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